Nick Andrews, one of our senior developers is ironing out the final bugs on it's DOOM3 code.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

PushOver - Ocean's puzzle remaked

Pushover is a faithful reimplementation of the game with the same name published in 1992 by Ocean. It contains the original levels. The graphics and sound are very similar when compared with the original game. More info on the game website: Sourceforge/pushover Download is available here: AROS-Archives Gameplay ---------- The task of the game is to rearrange the dominoes on the different platforms so that you can start a chainreaction...

Monday, December 7, 2009

OpenTyrian is a port of the DOS shoot-em-up Tyrian. Tyrian is an arcade-style vertical scrolling shooter. The story is set in 20,031 where you play as Trent Hawkins, a skilled fighter-pilot employed to fight Microsol and save the galaxy.  Jason Emery generously gave the OpenTyrian developers a copy of the Tyrian 2.1 source code, which has since been ported from Turbo Pascal to C. The port uses SDL, making it easily cross-platform. Development...